Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Another late-night blog post

Sleeping has become a difficult task since completing high school. It happened to be so sudden that I was pushed into the world of adulthood, responsibilities, and lots and lots of pressure.

I desperately want a full-time job, and I'm applying to as many places as I can. Yet, I don't feel confident in getting a job because I've only worked one job throughout high school. When I moved for school, I chose not to work my first year of university, just so I could understand how much work and time-management it required.

I'm sure I could get a job easily at where I used to work, but I'm trying to improve myself... so I will never again work at McDonald's. It wasn't a terrible first job.. it just happened to have terrible people working there. Other than that, I'd like to work in a more professional environment.

One of my biggest struggles is trying to not be a jealous person. I see the success of my friends with their full-time jobs, and others with the amount of dedication their putting into their education. Even the people on Facebook whom went to the same high school as me and I don't talk with make me feel envious of how successful they seem.

I have to continuously remind myself that most people seem to have great lives on Facebook, because we only see what others put out. So most people come off as having this great, healthy life because that is the persona others commonly present to the public. I remind myself of that when I become jealous, and then I remind myself that there will always be people more successful, happy, and in control of their lives than I am. It's easier to accept the former, because when I think of the latter, I feel like there's something wrong with me.

I mean, clearly there are a few things wrong with me. I don't allow that to be an excuse to hold me back, however. I am (almost) trying my best to create the life I want for myself.

Maybe this is what a lot of people experience as growing up. Though I'd probably feel a lot better if I knew my former classmates are struggling too.

I have to get away from that idea, and only concern myself with my own business rather than comparing myself to other people.

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